Secure Platform

In a world where the latest data breach is practically daily news, it's important to know that your data is secure. At Primero Systems, we take security very seriously, and have made sure that it is integral to the architecture and infrastructure of Webtreepro.

To ensure that we're not operating in a vacuum, we've adopted the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) as our baseline for ensuring that we adhere to best practices. As such, we adhere to their published Code of Conduct summarized with the following directives:

  • The Development Organization MUST have an application security awareness program for software developers and managers.
  • The Development Organization MUST identify and mitigate application security risks as a core part of their software engineering process.
  • The Development Organization MUST independently verify that appropriate security controls are present, robust, and used properly in every application.

That, coupled with the fact that we've been doing enterprise-grade software for over two decades, gives us an expert-level understanding and appreciation of the security landscape. Whether it be application architecture, intrusion detection and prevention, physical facilities and more, we have experts on staff to enforce proper compliance for each.

You can rest, assured that our team of experts never rests when it comes to security.

Chat with us to find out how Webtreepro can benefit your business!


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