Advanced User Permissions

Your employees and users have different responsibilities when it comes to your franchise, association or multi-location websites. Some maintain content on all your sites, others might only need to edit content on their own site, or even just a single page.

Shouldn’t your Content Management System (CMS) be flexible enough to accommodate these different needs? We think it should!

With Webtreepro’s advanced user roles and permissions, not only can you create a set of permissions and assign them to specific users, you can also grant privileges on a site-by-site, page-by-page and even text, image, form or other specific elements on that page.

So, you’re in control of how much or how little any user can change on your site. The marketing department can update just the Marketing-related pages, IT the Technology-related pages, and so on.

Webtreepro is a CMS designed from the ground up to provide the greatest flexibility and control of your brand’s content and message and the people who are responsible for keeping it fresh and relevant.

Chat with us to find out how Webtreepro can benefit your business!


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